[Mrs. Charles Pellew (neé Margueret W. Chandler).]
[Mrs. Charles Remsen (neé Lillian Livingston Jones) as a bride.]
[Mrs. Griswold Gray.]
[Mrs. M. Lawrence Keene (neé Mary Lawrence).]
[Mrs. William H. Sands (neé Augusta Lorillard).]
[Emma Jane Bonner (later Mrs. Francis Forbes).]
[Mrs. Roland Redmond (neé Helen Bulkeley) as a bride.]
[Mrs. Reginald W. Rives (neé Mary Bulkeley) as a bride.)
[Mrs. George B. McClellan (neé Georgiana Heckscher.)]
[Mr. Charles Ross.]
[Mrs. Nelsh.]
[Mrs Arthur Paget, later Lady Paget, née Mary (Minnie) Paran Stevens.]
[Mrs. Roland Redmond (neé Helen Bulkeley).]
[Mrs. Archibald Gracie.]
[Mrs. [Brockholst?] Cutting.]
Mr. Charles Ross
Emily Hone [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
[Miss Emily Vanderbilt (later Mrs. William D. Sloane and Mrs. Henry White).]
[Mrs. Edward Luckemeyer (neé Helen Frings).]