Admiral Sperry
Admiral Fred. Rodgers
Dr. F. A. Cook
A. G. Bell
Chas. Murphy
[Thomas Edison.]
T. A. Edison
[Admiral Robert E. Peary and Robert A. Bartlett.]
Cortland F. Bishop
[General and Mrs. Frederick Dent Grant (neé Ida Marie Honoré) and General and Mrs. Leonard Wood (neé Louisa A. Condit Smith).]
Bishop Wright
Katherine Wright
Walter Averill [Averell] Harriman
J. H. McCooey
W. J. Conners
Liberian Commission. Geo. Sale, R. P. Faulkner, Geo. A. Finch, Sec'y.
Jas. H. Scarr
F. D. Underwood
Jacob Schiff and Marvin Hughitt at funeral of Harriman
Chas. Page Bryan