Admiral Sperry
Admiral Fred. Rodgers
Dr. F. A. Cook
A. G. Bell
Chas. Murphy
[Thomas Edison.]
T. A. Edison
[Admiral Robert E. Peary and Robert A. Bartlett.]
Cortland F. Bishop
Bishop Wright
[General and Mrs. Frederick Dent Grant (neé Ida Marie Honoré) and General and Mrs. Leonard Wood (neé Louisa A. Condit Smith).]
Katherine Wright
Jacob Schiff and Marvin Hughitt at funeral of Harriman
Walter Averill [Averell] Harriman
W. J. Conners
J. H. McCooey
Jas. H. Scarr
Liberian Commission. Geo. Sale, R. P. Faulkner, Geo. A. Finch, Sec'y.
F. D. Underwood
Payne Whitney