Yachts, Seawanaka Yacht Club Races.
H. S. Pritchett & A. Carnegie
E. H. Harriman
Sons of E. H. Harriman [with] John Townsend
F. D. Underwood
Jury of Art Awards, Carnegie Institute
Mrs. Clark Fisher in her office
Theodore Roosevelt--Family Portraits Taken at Oyster Bay
Bishop Brown[e] Cardinal Logue J. D. Rockefeller
Stuyvesant Fish
[Henry C. Frick.]
Jay Gould
Liberian Commission. Geo. Sale, R. P. Faulkner, Geo. A. Finch, Sec'y.
Jacob Schiff and Marvin Hughitt at funeral of Harriman
L. F. Loree
Lombroso and Louis Lombard