[Dr. Charles F. Roberts.]
[Mrs Cyrus W. Field (neé Mary Bryan Stone).]
[Henry Steers.]
George Washington Olvany
Eleventh Ward Bank [George W. Quintard.]
[Selina V. Morris.]
[Peter Cooper.]
Bayard Taylor
[Cyrus Field.]
Senator McCarren
[Levi P. Morton.]
[Unidentified actress in "The Black Crook".]
[E. A. Sothern as Lord Dundreary in "Our American Cousin".]
Brig. Gen. Don Carlos Buell
Horace Greeley
Augustus Schell
D. A. Bokee
[Aaron Rabinowitz.]
Richard Riker, Esq.
Names and Places of Abode of the Members of the Common Council, Engineers, Fire Wardens and the Foremen of the Respective Fire Companies