Francis & Loutrel, Manufacturing Stationers & Printers
Christian G. Gunther, Importer of All Kinds of European Furs
Wm. S. Vanderbilt & Bros. ; A. Toth ; Tilton & McFarland
Towing. The New and Powerful Steamers Jacob Bell and Richmond
C. G. Gunther, Furrier
G. Kennard ; Mathewson & Allen ; R. C. Valentine
H. Ellis
Retail Trade: Optician, 1894, J. Ehrlich & Sons, 686 Sixth Ave.
Maiden Lane [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Howard Hotel, Broadway, New York
Palais Royal
The Magnificent A 1 First Class Clipper Ship Wellfleet
Dr. Hankinson's Electro-Chemical Baths ; Young, Stebbins, & Co. ; Leary & Co.
Wm. A. Crocker & Co.
Edwin C. Burt & Co.
Maiden Lane and Liberty Place [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Retail Trade, A. Wittnaur, Watches.