First Assembly Ball
Second Assembly Ball
Assembly Ball
The Assembly Ball
Lady's Voucher [Assembly Ball.]
Gentleman's Voucher [Assembly Ball.]
[Invitation to the Associated Banks of New York City annual banquet, addressed to Simeon Ford.]
Patriarchs' Ball
First Annual Dinner of the New York City Police Endowment Association
Banquet of the New York State Bankers Association Group VIII
Annual Banquet of Group VIII, Manhattan Bankers, New York State Bankers' Association
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Sheriff's Jury
[The pleasure of Miss Fields' company is requested at the First Assembly.]
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the First Assembly.]
Twenty-Fifth Anniversay Dinner Amen Corner
Seventy first Annual Ball of the Emerald Association
Dinner in compliment to Mr. George Borgfeldt by his New York Partners and Co-workers