[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the Second Assembly.]
First Assembly
First Assembly Ball
Second Assembly Ball
Third Assembly
American Hose Co. No. 19. 21st Anniversary Celebration
Grand Carnivale de L'Opéra
First Invitation Assembly
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the First Assembly.]
[The pleasure of Miss Fields' company is requested at the First Assembly.]
[The Committee of the Junior Assemblies invites Mrs. James B. Ludlow to become a patroness for her daughter Miss Louise G. Ludlow.]
[Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Whitney, Miss Eleanor Stanton Whitney request the pleasure of Miss Louise Ludlow's company at a dinner dance.]
Assembly of the City Guard
[The Committee of the Junior Assemblies invites Miss Louise G. Ludlow to become a member for the season of 1929 and 1930.]
New-York Society Assemblies