[Staging for Act 1 of "The Heart of a Thief".]
[Staging for Act 3, Scene 1 of "The Heart of a Thief".]
[Staging for Act 2 of "A Little Water on the Side".]
[Staging for Acts 1, 2 and 4 of "The Duke of Killicrankie".]
[Staging for Act 3 of "A Little Water on the Side".]
[Staging for Act 2 of "A Single Man".]
[Staging for Act 1 of "The Girl from Montmartre".]
[Staging for Act 2 of "The Off Chance".]
[Staging for Act 2, Scene 1 of "The Rise of Rosie O'Reilly".]
[Staging for Act 1 of "A Little Water on the Side".]
[Staging for Acts 2, 3 and 4 of "Liberty Hall".]
[Staging for Acts 2, 3 and 4 of "Rio Grande".]
[Staging for Acts 1, 3 and 4 of "The Model".]
[Staging for Act 4 of "The Off Chance".]
[Staging for possibly Act 2 of "The Marionettes".]
[Staging for Act 2 of "The Siren".]
[Staging for Act 4 of "Diplomacy".]
[Staging for Act 2 of "The New Secretary".]
[Staging for Act 2 of "The Shadow".]