[Act 2, Scene 1 of "The Eternal Road".]
[Act 1, Scene 4 of "The Eternal Road".]
[Act 3, Scene 4 of "The Eternal Road".]
["The Eternal Road" theater still.]
[Act 1, Scene 3 of "The Eternal Road".]
[Act 1, Scene 1 of "The Eternal Road".]
[Act 3, Scene 1 of "The Eternal Road".]
[Act 1, Scene 2 of "The Eternal Road".]
["The Eternal Road" theater stills.]
[The Abbess with the Nuns in the first scene of "The Miracle".]
[Finale of Act 1 of "The Miracle".]
[Staging for "The Miracle".]
["The Miracle" theater still.]
[The Inquisition scene of "The Miracle".]