[The Chrysler Building and the East River.]
[Chrysler Building.]
["Transportation" on the southern façade of Grand Central Terminal with the Chrysler Building in the background.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and the Chrysler Buildings.]
East 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Chrysler Building
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and Pan Am Buildings.]
Chrysler Building.
Chrysler Building, New York City
[General Electric Building, 570 Lexington Avenue.]
Chrysler Building, New York.
[Looking north on Lexington Avenue from East 33rd Street.]
East 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Chrysler Building. Artist rendering
[Looking north from Park Avenue and 41st Street to the Pan Am Building.]
[Beaux Arts Institute of Design building, 304 East 44th Street.]
[Seagram Building, 375 Park Avenue.]