[29, 27, 25, 23, 21 and 19 Vandam Street.]
[Livingston Junior & Senior High School, 29 King Street.]
[View looking west along King Street in the Charlton-King-Vandam Historic District.]
31 Charlton Street
25 and 23 Charlton Steet
Military & Civic Ball
[434, 436-440, 442 and 444 Lafayette Street.]
[47, 49-51, and 53-55 Elizabeth Street.]
[Harrison Street Houses, 25-41 Harrison Street.]
[Townhouses at 43-49 Willow Place.]
[Looking west on Charlton Street to 345 Hudson Street.]
[66 East 4th Street.]
[Harrison Street Houses.]
[Converted townhouse at 365 West 19th Street.]