[Delapidated buildings on the Hudson River waterfront.]
[Delapidated building on the Hudson River waterfront.]
[Delapidated Pier 15 building on the Hudson River waterfront.]
[Delapidated Hoboken Ferry building on the Hudson River waterfront.]
[Delapidated Hoboken Ferry building next to Pier 15 on the Hudson River waterfront.]
[Delapidated Belgian Line building, Pier 14.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and the Chrysler Buildings.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and Pan Am Buildings.]
[Looking south on Orchard Street at the Sender Jarmulowksy Bank Building, 54-58 Canal Street.]
[Looking northwest across the rooftops of buildings on Beekman Street.]
[La Sangria Restaurant and Bendix Supermatic Laundry at 569 Hudson Street, and Liberty Moving and Storage at 571 Hudson Street.]
[The Chrysler Building and the East River.]
[Pace University at 41 Park Row and the Woolworth Building.]
[Entrance to the Flatiron Building, 949 Broadway.]
[Looking northeast from the base of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.]
[New York Telephone Building.]