[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from the sidewalk in front of Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue.]
[Scribner Building, 153-157 Fifth Avenue.]
[Hearst Magazine Building, 951-969 Eighth Avenue.]
[Forbes Magazine building, 60 Fifth Avenue.]
311-319 West 43rd Street. Scribner Building.
[Judge Building, 110 Fifth Avenue.]
[Stewart & Company Building, 402-404 Fifth Avenue.]
[Aeolian Building, 689-691 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking across Fifth Avenue from the steps of New York Public Library's main branch.]
[The Little Singer Building, 561 Broadway.]
311-319 West 43rd Street. Scribner Building
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and the Chrysler Buildings.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and Pan Am Buildings.]
[Gorham Building, 390 Fifth Avenue.]