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[Tower of the Con Ed building seen from Fourth Avenue and 13th Street.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building seen from Fourth Avenue and 13th Street.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building, 4 Irving Place.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building, 4 Irving Place.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station and 660 First Avenue.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station and 660 First Avenue.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

[Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street.]

[Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street.]

[IND electrical substation, 253 West 13th Street, and 251 West 13th Street.]

[IND electrical substation, 253 West 13th Street, and 251 West 13th Street.]

[Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street.]

[Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street.]

[Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street.]

[Quad Cinema, 34 West 13th Street.]

[Portico Place, 143 West 13th Street.]

[Portico Place, 143 West 13th Street.]

[Portico Place, 143 West 13th Street.]

[Portico Place, 143 West 13th Street.]

[Markle Residence, 123 West 13th Street.]

[Markle Residence, 123 West 13th Street.]

[The Sendar Company in the Hancock Building, 127-133 Fourth Avenue.]

[The Sendar Company in the Hancock Building, 127-133 Fourth Avenue.]

[The Sendar Company in the Hancock Building, 127-133 Fourth Avenue.]

[The Sendar Company in the Hancock Building, 127-133 Fourth Avenue.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building seen from Fourth Avenue and 13th Street.]

Accession number 2013.3.2.2025 
Unique identifier MN125651 
Dated ca. 1978 
Physical dimensions H: 3 3/8 in, W: 2 1/4 in 
File dimensions 14.4 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
36.7 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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