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[Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station and 660 First Avenue.]

[Con Ed's Waterside Station and 660 First Avenue.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Looking north on First Avenue from 37th Street to The Florentine Craftsman and Con Ed's Waterside Station.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building seen from Fourth Avenue and 13th Street.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building seen from Fourth Avenue and 13th Street.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building seen from Fourth Avenue and 13th Street.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building seen from Fourth Avenue and 13th Street.]

[Edison Waterside Generating Station.]

[Edison Waterside Generating Station.]

[Edison Waterside Generating Station.]

[Edison Waterside Generating Station.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building, 4 Irving Place.]

[Tower of the Con Ed building, 4 Irving Place.]

Con Ed Foreman

Con Ed Foreman

[Interborough Rapid Transit Company powerhouse.]

[Interborough Rapid Transit Company powerhouse.]

First Avenue [First Avenue to Third Avenue]

First Avenue [First Avenue to Third Avenue]

[Trompe l'oeil concealing a Con Ed substation at 237-257 Front Street, and the Jasper Ward house, 45 Peck Slip.]

[Trompe l'oeil concealing a Con Ed substation at 237-257 Front Street, and the Jasper Ward house, 45 Peck Slip.]

[The Gotham Hotel, 700 Fifth Avenue.]

[The Gotham Hotel, 700 Fifth Avenue.]

[Trompe l'oeil concealing a Con Ed substation at 237-257 Front Street, and the Jasper Ward house, 45 Peck Slip.]

[Trompe l'oeil concealing a Con Ed substation at 237-257 Front Street, and the Jasper Ward house, 45 Peck Slip.]

[Interborough Rapid Transit Company powerhouse.]

[Interborough Rapid Transit Company powerhouse.]

[Trompe l'oeil concealing a Con Ed substation at 237-257 Front Street, and the Jasper Ward house, 45 Peck Slip.]

[Trompe l'oeil concealing a Con Ed substation at 237-257 Front Street, and the Jasper Ward house, 45 Peck Slip.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

[98, 100, 102 and 104 Third Avenue.]

East 111th Street and First Avenue. Consolidated Gas Company. Meter repair and Range Department. Dilapidated ranges

East 111th Street and First Avenue. Consolidated Gas Company. Meter repair and Range Department. Dilapidated ranges

[Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue.]

Accession number 2013.3.2.2003 
Unique identifier MN125638 
Dated ca. 1975 
Physical dimensions H: 3 3/8 in, W: 2 1/4 in 
File dimensions 14.4 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
36.6 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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