[Looking north on Lexington Avenue from 46th Street.]
[Looking north toward the towers of the Waldorf-Astoria from 525 Lexington Avenue.]
[Looking east on East 86th Street from Lexington Avenue.]
[Looking north toward the towers of the Waldorf-Astoria and the General Electric Building from 525 Lexington Avenue.]
[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from the sidewalk in front of Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from the Empire State Building.]
[45th Street and Lexington Avenue.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 38th Street to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking west on East 35th Street past Lexington Avenue.]
[Looking north on Lexington Avenue from East 33rd Street.]
[Lexington Avenue and East 59th Street.]
East 45th Street and Lexington Avenue, northeast corner. Bickford's Restaurant
[Looking west on 55th Street past Fifth Avenue to the Gotham Hotel.]
[Park Avenue, North from 45th Street]
[Lyceum Theater, 149-157 West 45th Street.]