[Hearst Magazine Building, 951-969 Eighth Avenue.]
[Allegorical statues "Sport" and "Industry" on the Hearst Magazine Building, 951-969 Eighth Avenue.]
[Charles Scribner's Sons Building, 597 Fifth Avenue.]
[Forbes Magazine building, 60 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and the Chrysler Buildings.]
[Judge Building, 110 Fifth Avenue.]
[Seagram Building, 375 Park Avenue.]
[Looking north on Eighth Avenue to 80 Eighth Avenue.]
[Aeolian Building, 689-691 Fifth Avenue.]
[Stewart & Company Building, 402-404 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and Pan Am Buildings.]
[General Electric Building, 570 Lexington Avenue.]
[Looking north from Park Avenue and 41st Street to the Pan Am Building.]
[Presbyterian Building, 154-158 Fifth Avenue, and Mohawk Building, 160 Fifth Avenue.]
["Sun Triangle" in front of the McGraw-Hill Building, 1221 Avenue of the Americas.]