["Venus of Manhattan" sculpture on the façade of 980 Madison Avenue.]
[Parke-Bernet Galleries, 980 Madison Avenue.]
[Stone elves on unidentified corner building façade between stone base and upper section of brick.]
[275 Madison Avenue.]
[Detail of "Group of Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.]
[Looking north on Madison Avenue from 76th Street to The Mark, 25 East 77th Street.]
[Façade of an unidentified building.]
[Republic National Bank, 1002 Madison Avenue.]
[The Merchants Bank of New York, 1040 Avenue of the Americas.]
[Looking up to the towers of the Waldorf-Astoria.]
[Bloomingdale's, detail of façade.]
[726 Madison Avenue.]
[1020 Madison Avenue.]
["Group of Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.]
[Dome and statue of angel blowing trumpet, St. Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, 1067-1071 Lexington Avenue.]
[Statue of angel blowing trumpet over the entrace bay of St. Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, 1067-1071 Lexington Avenue.]
[Fuller Building, 41 East 57th Street.]