[Old New York County Courthouse, 52 Chambers Street.]
[Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank building, 51 Chambers Street.]
[Chambers Street façade of 280 Broadway.]
[Cary Building, 105-107 Chambers Street.]
[280 Broadway, detail of upper stories on Chambers Street façade.]
[Surrogate's Court, originally Hall of Records, 31 Chambers Street.]
["New York in Its Infancy" granite group on façade of Surrogate's Court, 31 Chambers Street.]
["New York in Revolutionary Times" granite group on façade of Surrogate's Court, 31 Chambers Street.]
[Ornamental lampposts, Surrogate's Court, 31 Chambers Street.]
[Northern façade of the Surrogate's Court, 31 Chambers Street.]
Centre Street and Pearl Street. Federal Courthouse and New York County Clerk building
[New York State Supreme Court and Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse.]
[New York County Courthouse.]
Centre Street and Pearl Street. U.S. Federal Courthouse. Interior, judges chambers
Centre Street and Pearl Street. U.S. Federal Courthouse. Interior, judge's chambers