[North side of East 4th Street between Bowery and Lafayette Street.]
[66 East 4th Street.]
[Aschenbroedel Verein, 74 East 4th Street.]
[Bowery and 4th Street.]
[Three Federal houses, 175-179 West 4th Street.]
[Cylindrical fire escape on the façade of 62 East 4th Street.]
[58 East 4th Street. Modillioned cornice with broken pediment featuring eagle figure.]
29 East 4th Street. Old Merchant's House. Entrance
[29 East 4th Street. Old Merchant's House. Entrance.]
[Looking east on Stuyvesant Street between 9th and 10th Streets.]
Seabury Tredwell - 29 East 4th Street, 1830.
29 East 4th Street. Old Seabury Tredwell residence. Interior, front room into dining room
[229 and 231 East 10th Street.]
[13, 11 and 9 Bank Street.]
[East side of Hicks Street between Pineapple and Clark Streets.]
[Mariners' Temple, 12 Oliver Street.]