420 West 116th Street. Hotel Westminster; Marshall Thompson Hotel Company
420 West 116th Street. Sesrun Club club for nurses.
[The Alimar, 925 West End Avenue. Entrance detail.]
Columbia College, 116th St. Bet. Boulevard and Amsterdam Ave. N.Y.
Broadway and 116th Street [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
[Livingston Junior & Senior High School, 29 King Street.]
[120 West 46th Street.]
Columbia University. Rendering of 116th Street entrance pylons.
606-610 West 116th Street. Paterno Apartments.
116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Columbia University, Hamilton Hall.
[Broadway and 116th Street.]
116th Street and Riverside Drive. The Paterno Apartments.
[Entrance to the apartment complex at 658-666 West 188th Street.]
[Entrance to 40 West 86th Street.]
West 116th Street and Claremont Avenue. The Paterno Apartments.
[Morris-Jumel Mansion, entrance detail.]
[627 West 140th Street.]
[Joan of Arc Junior High School, 154 West 93rd Street. Entrance detail.]