[Beekman Tower Hotel.]
[Beekman Tower, 3 Mitchell Place.]
[Beekman Tower, 3 Mitchell Place. Detail of façade.]
[Looking north toward the towers of the Waldorf-Astoria from 525 Lexington Avenue.]
[Looking north toward the towers of the Waldorf-Astoria and the General Electric Building from 525 Lexington Avenue.]
[Round, windowed tower of 655-671 Sixth Avenue.]
[Looking up to the towers of the Waldorf-Astoria.]
[Façade of an unidentified building.]
[Beaux Arts Apartments, 307 and 310 East 44th Street.]
[Stone elves on unidentified corner building façade between stone base and upper section of brick.]
[Bloomingdale's, detail of façade.]
[The Merchants Bank of New York, 1040 Avenue of the Americas.]
[Beaux Arts Institute of Design building, 304 East 44th Street.]
[Graybar Building.]
[Columbus Circle and Trump International Hotel and Tower.]
[Carnegie Hall and Carnegie Hall Tower.]
[Looking northwest toward the towers of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 301 Park Avenue.]