[NYU Institute of Fine Arts, 1 East 78th Street.]
[3, 5, and 7 East 78th Street.]
[Ukrainian Institute of America, 2 East 79th Street.]
[Inner courtyard of 1 East 91st Street.]
[East End Hotel, 1 East River Drive.]
[Townhouses at 35, 37 and 39 East 68th Street.]
[5 and 9 East 68th Street.]
[Cartier, Inc., 651-653 Fifth Avenue, and Cartier, Inc., extension, 4 East 52nd Street.]
[25 East 78th Street.]
[Museum of Primitive Art, 13-15 West 54th Street, Rhodes School, 9-11 West 54th Street, and 7 West 54th Street.]
[3 East 64th Street.]
[9 and 7 East 72nd Street.]
[Consulate General of Poland, 233 Madison Avenue.]