[Lone Star Cafe, 61 Fifth Avenue.]
[South side of 14th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues.]
Cowboy Fashions at Lone Star Cafe
[Forbes Magazine building, 60 Fifth Avenue.]
[43 Fifth Avenue.]
[The Gotham Hotel, 700 Fifth Avenue.]
[Judge Building, 110 Fifth Avenue.]
[The Pierre, 795 Fifth Avenue.]
[Aeolian Building, 689-691 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from the sidewalk in front of Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue.]
[Scribner Building, 153-157 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 40th Street to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking west on 55th Street past Fifth Avenue to the Gotham Hotel.]
[Presbyterian Building, 154-158 Fifth Avenue, and Mohawk Building, 160 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 38th Street to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
[Stewart & Company Building, 402-404 Fifth Avenue.]
[Cast iron fence at the First Presbyterian Church, 48 Fifth Avenue.]
[Lord & Taylor, 424 Fifth Avenue, with 500 Fifth Avenue in background.]