[East Side Curtain Center, Modern Decor, and Reliable Dry Goods House, 282-286 Grand Street.]
[Grand and Allen Streets.]
[Essex Street between Grand and Hester Streets.]
[Sunray Yarn Co., Grand Sterling Silver Co., Irving Baron and Grand Street Dairy Restaurant, 347-341 Grand Street.]
[282-286 Grand Street.]
[Louis Bogopulsky Inc. Textiles, 459 Broadway.]
294-6 Grand St.
[Seward Park High School, 350 Grand Street.]
[7 and 9 Eldridge Street.]
[Delancey Street between Orchard and Allen Streets.]
[Congregation Khal Adas Jeshurun, 12 Eldridge Street.]
[Armen Jewelers and Sol Stein Jeweler on Eldridge Street.]
[156-158 Orchard Street.]
[88 Division Street.]
[174-178 Grand Street.]
[28, 26, 24 and 22 Henry Street.]