[19-25 St. Mark's Place.]
[Caryatid at the entrance to 32 St. Mark's Place.]
[Carved faces on the façade of a building on the north side of St. Mark's Place between Third and Second Avenues.]
[Deutsch-Amerikanische-Schützen Gesellschaft (German-American Shooting Society) building, 12 St. Mark's Place.]
[East Side Bookstore, 34 St. Mark's Place.]
["Einigkeit Macht Stark" carved onto the façade of the Deutsch-Amerikanische-Schützen Gesellschaft (German-American Shooting Society) building, 12 St. Mark's Place.]
[Carved face above the entrance to the Deutsch-Amerikanische-Schützen Gesellschaft (German-American Shooting Society) building, 12 St. Mark's Place.]
[St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery.]
[St. Mark's Place.]
[47 St. James Place.]
[Third Avenue El at St. Mark's Place.]
[Third Avenue El at the corner of St. Mark's Place.]
Avenue "A". St. Mark's Place [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]