[Old St. Patrick's Convent and Girls' School, 32 Prince Street.]
[St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, 260-264 Mulberry Street.]
[St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, 260-264 Mulberry Street. Detail of brick wall and doors.]
[Mott Street entry to St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, 260-264 Mulberry Street.]
[109 Prince Street.]
[St. Michael's Chapel, 266 Mulberry Street.]
[Broadway and Bond Street.]
[118-120 East 15th Street.]
[174-178 Grand Street.]
[Charles and Bleecker Streets.]
[Looking north on Hudson Street from Vandam Street.]
[271 West 72nd Street.]
[8 Old Fulton Street.]
[Hotel Mercer, 99 Prince Street, across the street from Fanelli Cafe.]