[32 East 26th Street for sale.]
[Wendell L. Willkie Building of Freedom House, 20 West 40th Street.]
[Baruch College, 46 East 26th Street.]
[Fifth Avenue and 26th Street.]
[118-120 East 15th Street.]
Madison Ave. and 26th Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
[29th Street façade of the Gilsey House, 1200 Broadway.]
#11-13 East 26th Street.
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. 26th Street side
[National Association of Machinists AFL-CIO, 7 East 15th Street.]
[60 East 93rd Street.]
[123 East 35th Street.]
[Brooklyn Bar Association, 123 Remsen Street.]