[Looking north on Park Avenue to the MetLife Building.]
[Looking north from Park Avenue and 41st Street to the Pan Am Building.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and Pan Am Buildings.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue from 52nd Street.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from the Empire State Building.]
[Looking north on Whitehall Street toward 1 Battery Park Plaza and the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[Detail of clock and sculpture on the Helmsley Building, 230 Park Avenue.]
[Looking west on 40th Street to the Republic National Bank Building, 452 Fifth Avenue.]
[Top of the Helmsley Building, 230 Park Avenue.]
[Architectural detail on the Flatiron Building, 175 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue toward the Empire State Building.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and the Chrysler Buildings.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 40th Street to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
[Broadway entrance to the Flatiron Building at 949 Broadway.]
[Flatiron Building.]
[Pace University at 41 Park Row and the Woolworth Building.]