[The skyline of Battery Park City.]
[Battery Park and the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking north from Battery Park to Lower Manhattan.]
[Battery Park.]
[Looking north from the South Cove of the Battery Park City esplanade to the twin towers of the World Trade Center.]
[2 World Financial Center and the twin towers of the World Trade Center.]
[Battery Park and waterfront.]
[Looking east from New Jersey across the Hudson River to the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking east from New Jersey across the Hudson River to the skyline of Lower Manhattan.]
Battery Park, New York City
[Looking at the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center from the vicinity of Liberty State Park, New Jersey.]
[Looking southeast from Battery Park City toward Lower Manhattan.]
[Looking southwest across the East River to the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking east from a marina in New Jersey toward the Lower Manhattan skyline.]