[Canal Jean Co., originally C.G. Gunther's Sons Store, 502-504 Broadway.]
[Detail of E.V. Haughwout & Co. Store, 488-492 Broadway.]
[C.G. Gunthers & Sons building.]
[488-492 Broadway.]
[Spring Street and West Broadway.]
[Spring Street and Broadway.]
[Broadway Mfrs. Supply Co., 488-492 Broadway.]
[The Gunther Building, 469 Broome Street.]
[C. G. Gunther's Sons.]
[Mercer Street façade of 569-575 Broadway, originally Rogers Peet Store.]
[484-490 Broome Street.]
[Looking east on Broome Street at intersection of West Broadway and Watts Street.]
[500 Broome Street.]
[OK Harris Works of Art, 383 West Broadway.]