[Looking north on Bowery from Grand Street.]
[Duane Street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets.]
[Looking northeast toward the intersection of Ninth Avenue, Hudson Street, and West 14th Street.]
[Looking at Duane Park and the Schepp Building from the corner of Hudson and Duane Streets.]
[La Sangria Restaurant and Bendix Supermatic Laundry at 569 Hudson Street, and Liberty Moving and Storage at 571 Hudson Street.]
[Looking west on King Street to 345 Hudson Street.]
[The Gunther Building, 469 Broome Street.]
[Looking west on Charlton Street to 345 Hudson Street.]
[Powell Building, 105 Hudson Street.]
[North side of Franklin Street between Hudson and Varick Streets.]
[Looking north from the intersection of Broadway, Park Row, Vesey Street, and Ann Street.]
[218-224, 226 and 228 West Broadway.]
[Broadway and Bond Street.]
[Looking north on Lexington Avenue from East 33rd Street.]
[345 Hudson Street.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 52nd Street.]
[View looking west along King Street in the Charlton-King-Vandam Historic District.]
[13 Vandam Street.]