[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 40th Street to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue from 38th Street to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north from the main branch of New York Public Library to 500 Fifth Avenue.]
[Lord & Taylor, 424 Fifth Avenue, with 500 Fifth Avenue in background.]
[American Standard-American Radiator Building seen from Bryant Park.]
500 Fifth Avenue. Commercial building
[Looking east across Fifth Avenue from Central Park to the Frick Collection.]
[Bryant Park Studios, 80 West 40th Street.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue toward the Helmsley and Pan Am Buildings.]
[Tower of Bryant Park Hotel, 40 West 40th Street.]
[Johann Wolfgang von Goethe bust on pedestal in Bryant Park.]
[Looking across Fifth Avenue from the steps of New York Public Library's main branch.]
[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from the sidewalk in front of Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking south on Park Avenue from 52nd Street.]
[Looking at 80 Eighth Avenue from Jackson Square.]
[Street light, 500 Fifth Avenue building in background.]
[Looking west from Bryant Park]