[Louise Nevelson Plaza and the Trump Building.]
[Detail of "Group of Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.]
["Group of Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.]
[Woolworth Building and Nathan Hale statue.]
[Stone elves on unidentified corner building façade between stone base and upper section of brick.]
[Looking at the Trump Building and the City Bank Farmers Trust Company Building from the intersection of Coenties Slip and Pearl Street.]
[Trump Building tower.]
[The steeple of St. Paul's Chapel, with "Spirit of Communication" atop the American Telephone & Telegraph Company Building in the background.]
[Looking up at the Empire State Building.]
[Chrysler Building.]
[63 Nassau Street.]
["Red Cube" adjacent to the Marine Midland Building, 140 Broadway.]
[World Trade Center tower and Federal Office Building.]
[Fuller Building, 41 East 57th Street.]
[Unidentified brick building with metal shutters.]
[Bricken Casino Building, 1402-1410 Broadway.]
[Façade of an unidentified building.]