[Unidentified stone building with mansard roof.]
[Unidentified institutional building.]
[Unidentified brick and stone building.]
[Architectural details on an unidentified building.]
[Unidentified buildings.]
[Unidentified brick building with metal shutters.]
[Unidentified building.]
[Murray Hill neighborhood seen from a roof.]
[Deutsch-Amerikanische-Schützen Gesellschaft (German-American Shooting Society) building, 12 St. Mark's Place.]
[Unidentified building with lion sculpture on façade.]
[Unidentified apartment buildings.]
[166 Montague Street seen from Clinton Street.]
[Unidentified apartment building.]
[Façade of unidentified building.]
[Unidentified brick buildings on cobblestone courtyard.]
[American Standard-American Radiator Building seen from Bryant Park.]