[Looking at The Century apartments from Central Park.]
[Majestic Apartments seen from Central Park.]
[Looking at 295 Central Park West and The Eldorado from Central Park.]
[Dorilton Apartments, 171 West 71st Street.]
[Entrance to the Mount Vernon Hotel Museum and Garden, 421 East 61st Street.]
[The Majestic and The Dakota seen from Central Park.]
[55 Central Park West.]
[Park Avenue and 61st Street.]
[Looking at the Master Building from 309 West 104th Street.]
[Apartment complex at 658-666 West 188th Street.]
[Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 321 East 61st Street.]
West 61st Street and Broadway, northeast corner. Artist rendering, exterior
540 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 61st Street. Apartment house.
[Looking east on Broome Street at intersection of West Broadway and Watts Street.]
[Cliff Dwellers' Apartments, 243 Riverside Drive.]
[Looking skyward at the San Remo Apartments, 145-146 Central Park West.]