[Looking west on East 34th Street to the Empire State Building.]
[Old wood framed house, 203 East 29th Street.]
[34th Street entrance to the Madison Belmont Building, 181-183 Madison Avenue.]
[Backyard of 208 East 35th Street.]
[Portrait of a man and a dog sitting in the backyard of 208 East 35th Street.]
[118-120 East 15th Street.]
[Snow-covered backyard of 208 East 35th Street.]
[Old carriage house, 203 East 29th Street.]
[Dog sitting in the backyard of 208 East 35th Street.]
[Looking north on Tunnel Exit Street from 39th Street.]
[Dog in the snow-covered backyard of 208 East 35th Street.]
[Looking west on 34th Street at the demolished Third Avenue El.]