Hurricane Sandy Aftermath: Lower Manhattan, Manhattan
Hurricane Sandy #10, Rockaway Park, Queens
Subway Map, Crom Crossfit, Rockaway, Queens
Beach 91 Street, Rockaway Beach, Queens
Hurricane Sandy Flooding Southern Brooklyn, Brooklyn N.Y.
A member of the coalition of United Sikhs, brings food to Francis de Sales Church in Far Rockaway. Queens
A partially submerged auto dealership in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey
Sandy - One Month After, Breezy Point, Queens
Relief Workers, Department of Parks, Far Rockaway, Queens
Donation Park, Queens
Planning for the day, Rockaway, Queens
Paradise Park, Highlands, New Jersey
Stairs, Belle Harbor, Queens
Shore Front Parkway and Beach 105 Street, Rockaway, Queens
Sofia at YANA Community Center, Rockaway Park, Queens
Hoboken - Morning after Hurricane Sandy
Camp Rubicon muck out Sundries Shoppe, Rockaway, Queens
National Guardsmen go door-to-door in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Queens
Community Relations Limited English Proficiency Specialists assist Russian hurricane survivors in Coney Island, Brooklyn
Debris stored next to a basketball hoop in Breezy Point, Queens