Fire destruction in Breezy Point, NY
Washed out road, Mantoloking, NJ
Cleanup Crews work overtime to clear debris off Route 33
House in field, Staten Island, NY
Boat & playground, Staten Island, NY
High tide from Compo Beach floods the surrounding areas
Laurel Beach at Low Tide
Donation Park, Queens
Debris stored next to a basketball hoop in Breezy Point, Queens
Removing sand off Compo Beach road and returning it to the beach
Hurricane Sandy #10, Rockaway Park, Queens
Graffiti Wall Taunting the Storm
Relief Workers, Department of Parks, Far Rockaway, Queens
Subway Map, Crom Crossfit, Rockaway, Queens
Hurricane Sandy Aftermath: Rockaway, Queens
Jacob Riis Park
Shore Front Parkway and Beach 105 Street, Rockaway, Queens
David Young in his 100-year-old barn
Stairs, Belle Harbor, Queens
Relief Workers, Belle Harbor, Queens