Hurricane Sandy Aftermath: Rockaway, Queens
Hurricane Sandy #10, Rockaway Park, Queens
Hurricane Sandy Aftermath: Lower Manhattan, Manhattan
A partially submerged auto dealership in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey
Hurricane Sandy Flooding Southern Brooklyn, Brooklyn N.Y.
Hoboken - Morning after Hurricane Sandy
A member of the coalition of United Sikhs, brings food to Francis de Sales Church in Far Rockaway. Queens
Fairway after Hurricane Sandy, Red Hook, Brooklyn
Sandy - One Month After, Breezy Point, Queens
Untitled, Queens
Donations, Queens
Immersed Aftermath, Mantoloking, New Jersey
Beach in Progress, Rockaway Beach, Queens
No Retreat, No Surrender, Queens
Donation Park, Queens
Planning for the day, Rockaway, Queens
Debris stored next to a basketball hoop in Breezy Point, Queens
Subway Map, Crom Crossfit, Rockaway, Queens
Global Warming is Here, Queens
Broad Channel Underwater, Queens