[George Innes as Ray Say, Rondi Reed as Mari Hoff and Hynden Walch as Little Voice in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[Hynden Walch as Little Voice and Rondi Reed as Mari Hoff in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[George Innes as Ray Say and Rondi Reed as Mari Hoff in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[George Innes as Ray Say and Hynden Walch as Little Voice in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[Hynden Walch as Little Voice and George Innes as Ray Say in"The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[Rondi Reed as Mari Hoff and Karen Vaccaro as Sadie in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[Ian Barford as Billy and Hynden Walch as Little Voice in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[Hynden Walch as Little Voice in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[Hynden Walch as Little Voice and Ian Barford as Billy in "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice".]
[Unidentified actors in the roles of Sally Middleton and Bill Page for "The Voice of the Turtle".]
[Unidentified actors in the roles of Bill Page and Olive Lashbrooke for "The Voice of the Turtle".]
["The Voice of the Turtle" theater still.]