[Barry Foster in "The Private Ear" and "The Public Eye".]
["The Private Ear" and "The Public Eye" theater stills.]
[Brian Bedford in "The Private Ear" and "The Public Eye".]
[Geraldine McEwan in "The Private Ear" and "The Public Eye".]
[Susan Kingsley as Marshael Foster and Brad Sullivan as Brocker Slade in rehearsal for "The Wake of Jamey Foster".]
Hospital, Private hospital, Ear & nose grafting.
[Jack Weston and Barbara Barrie in "California Suite".]
[Phil Foster in "Don't Drink the Water".]
[Lee Lawson as Toni and Barry Nelson as Julian in "Cactus Flower".]
["The Private Secretary" theater still.]
[Phil Foster and Walt Wanderman in "Don't Drink the Water".]
[Craig Archibald as Noël Coward in "Private Life".]
[Dean Jones as Robert and Barbara Barrie as Sarah in "Company".]
[George Grizzard, Barbara Barrie, and Jack Weston in "California Suite".]
[Phil Foster and Vivian Blaine in "Don't Drink the Water".]
[Barbara Barrie as Sarah and Dean Jones as Robert in "Company".]
[Keene Curtis as Curtis Appleby in "Night Watch".]
[Meg Bussert as Guenevere, Richard Harris as Arthur, and Barrie Ingham as King Pellinore in "Camelot".]