[Looking north from beneath the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society walkway to the Brooklyn Bridge.]
[Looking east toward the corner of Old Fulton and Water Streets from the edge of the East River.]
[Looking southeast toward Old Fulton and Water Streets from the edge of the East River.]
[View looking north over the East River from what is now Brooklyn Bridge Park, Brooklyn.]
[Looking north on Everit Street toward the Waterfront Restaurant and McCann's Bar & Grill.]
[Looking north on Washington Street from Front Street to the Manhattan Bridge.]
[Looking northeast toward the rooftop of the Empire Stores and the Manhattan Bridge.]
[Looking northwest along Old Fulton Street to Waterfront Restaurant.]
[Looking to the Manhattan Bridge overpass and the skyline of Lower Manhattan from John Street.]
[Looking southwest across the East River to the twin towers of the World Trade Center from Brooklyn.]
[Looking south from the Brooklyn Bridge walkway to Lower Manhattan.]
[Looking west down Old Fulton Street to the Long Island Safe Deposit Company building and Bankside Boon Dock bar and restaurant.]
[Looking northeast over the East River from a warehouse window of Empire Stores to Manhattan's Lower East Side.]
[Long Island Safe Deposit Company building and Bankside Boon Dock bar and restaurant.]
[Looking southwest from the grounds of the Empire Stores across the East River to Lower Manhattan.]
[Long Island Safe Deposit Company building and Whitehouse Bar & Grill.]
[Looking southwest over the East River to the Brooklyn Bridge and the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Looking west from Brooklyn Bridge Park to the houses on Montague Terrace.]