[Bowling Green.]
[Looking northeast from Pearl Street to 70 Pine Street.]
[Wendell L. Willkie Building of Freedom House, 20 West 40th Street.]
[Pace University at 41 Park Row and the Woolworth Building.]
["Group of Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.]
Financial District from Pier 6 East River
[Bank of America International, 37-41 Broad Street.]
[Grand Army Plaza.]
["Night Presence IV".]
[Empire Apartments, 71 Broadway.]
[20 Exchange Place.]
[Garden Cafeteria, 165 East Broadway.]
[Looking north on Whitehall Street toward 1 Battery Park Plaza and the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[Paramount Building and Astor Plaza.]
[First Chinese Presbyterian Church, 61 Henry Street.]
[Washington Square.]