[Looking north on Hudson Street from Vandam Street.]
[Bowery and Grand Street.]
[Grand Street façade of the Bowery Savings Bank, 130 Bowery.]
[174-178 Grand Street.]
[Grand and Allen Streets.]
[The Grand Street entrance to the Bowery Savings Bank, 130 Bowery.]
[Looking north on Lexington Avenue from East 33rd Street.]
[The Bowery Savings Bank, 130 Bowery.]
[Spring Street and West Broadway.]
[Broadway and Bond Street.]
[Bowery north from Grand Street.]
[Looking northeast toward the intersection of Ninth Avenue, Hudson Street, and West 14th Street.]
[Bowery, north from Grand Street.]
[Looking east on East 94th Street from Fifth Avenue toward Squadron A Armory.]
[254-260 Canal Street building at the southwest corner of Lafayette Street.]
[Looking at Duane Park and the Schepp Building from the corner of Hudson and Duane Streets.]
[Looking north from the intersection of Broadway, Park Row, Vesey Street, and Ann Street.]