[254-260 Canal Street building at the southwest corner of Lafayette Street.]
[140-142 Pearl Street.]
[85 Leonard Street.]
[254-260 Canal Street, detail of upper stories on Lafayette Street façade.]
[Smith, Gray & Company building, 103 Broadway.]
[116-118 Franklin Street.]
[28-30 Greene Street.]
[39-41 Worth Street.]
[Rectory of the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, 7 State Street.]
[Façade of an unidentified building.]
[21 West Street, Washington Street façade.]
[146 and 142 Greene Street.]
[Stone elves on unidentified corner building façade between stone base and upper section of brick.]
[Louise Nevelson Plaza and the Trump Building.]
[345 Hudson Street.]
[Cary Building, 105-107 Chambers Street.]