[Powell Building, 105 Hudson Street.]
[Greenwich and Harrison Streets.]
[Spring Street and Broadway.]
[411 Lafayette Street.]
[481 Broome Street.]
[Looking at the southeast corner of Duane and Greenwich Streets.]
[Staple Street, showing footbridge between old House of Relief and ambulance annex of the New York Hospital.]
[29th Street façade of the Gilsey House, 1200 Broadway.]
[Originally B. Altman Dry Goods Store, 615-629 Sixth Avenue.]
[White Street between Church Street and Broadway.]
[Duane Street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets.]
[John Boyle & Co. building, 72-70 Reade Street.]
[New York Mercantile Exchange, 2-6 Harrison Street.]
[142 Greene Street.]
[46-50 White Street, formerly Woods Mercantile Building.]
[131 Duane Street.]
[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]
[Donald Judd House and Museum, 101 Spring Street.]