[91-93 Fifth Avenue.]
[Judge Building, 110 Fifth Avenue.]
[Caryatid at the entrance to 32 St. Mark's Place.]
[Architectural detail on the Flatiron Building, 175 Fifth Avenue.]
[Presbyterian Building, 154-158 Fifth Avenue, and Mohawk Building, 160 Fifth Avenue.]
[Caryatid on unidentified building.]
[150 Fifth Avenue.]
[Scribner Building, 153-157 Fifth Avenue.]
[The Gotham Hotel, 700 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from the sidewalk in front of Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking north on Fifth Avenue toward the Empire State Building.]
[141 Fifth Avenue.]
[Busts of Roman and Greek physicians on the façade of the Stuyvesant Polyclinic, 137 Second Avenue.]
["Venus of Manhattan" sculpture on the façade of 980 Madison Avenue.]
[Detail of the Madison Avenue façade of the Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[Carved faces on the façade of a building on the north side of St. Mark's Place between Third and Second Avenues.]