["Winged Mercury" above the Channel Gardens entrance to the British Building, 620 Fifth Avenue.]
["The Joy of Life" above the 48th Street entrance to 1 Rockefeller Plaza.]
["Progress" intaglio carving above the 49th Street entrance to 1 Rockefeller Plaza.]
[Entrance to the General Electric Building, 570 Lexington Avenue.]
["Sun Triangle" in front of the McGraw-Hill Building, 1221 Avenue of the Americas.]
[Bronze panel and limestone cartouche above the main entrance to La Maison Française, 610 Fifth Avenue.]
[Rockefeller University, 1270 York Avenue.]
["Industry and Agriculture" intaglio carving on the main entrance to 1 Rockefeller Plaza.]
[Cast-stone horses and entrance wall, Stephen Wise Towers playground.]
[View through "Atlas" in Rockefeller Center to St. Patrick's Cathedral.]
["Atlas" statue in front of International Building, 630 Fifth Avenue.]
[The Merchants Bank of New York, 1040 Avenue of the Americas.]
[Medieval imagery carved into the façade of The Waverly apartment house.]
[University Club of New York, 1 West 54th Street.]
[Looking west on 55th Street past Fifth Avenue to the Gotham Hotel.]
[Entrance to 275 Madison Avenue.]