[Detail of clock and sculpture on the Helmsley Building, 230 Park Avenue.]
[Ornamental clock in an unidentified location.]
[Detail of the pediment and clock over the entrance to the Bowery Savings Bank, 130 Bowery.]
[Decorative clock on the side of an unidentified building, possibly a bank.]
The Belved[ere Castle] [Broome Street through Central Park]
[Clock on the General Electric Building, 570 Lexington Avenue.]
[Clock and upper stories of Gilsey House, 1200 Broadway.]
["The Tempest" bronze group.]
["The Tempest" bronze group on granite pedestal.]
["Angel of the Waters" statue atop Bethesda Fountain.]
[Looking at the north building and clock tower of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company from Madison Square Park.]
["Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen" self portrait bronze figure.]
["Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen" self portrait bronze figure on granite pedestal.]
[Sculpture on the Lehman Gates, Children's Zoo, Central Park.]
["King Jagiello" bronze equestrian statue.]